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TREES of MEMORY | Baum zum Gedenken an Verstorbene bekommen
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Planting a tree of remembrance has helped the relatives in their grief.
A Tree of Memory enables the release of grief and paves the way to 
a new memorial of the departed.

Planting a tree in memory of the deceased - what is the point?

A question I asked myself, without having an answer. Only the image of "A tree can grow, like love, friendship or family ties once did" accompanied me. What it does with the relatives, I did not know, because myself,  have not planted one for my partner yet (still I was not at the right place, at the right time).

In the meantime I got a lot of feedback, from those who did it together with me. In fact a tree means "life" and represents a completely new connection to the deceased, rather than standing at the graveside. In fact the relatives feel a new connection when they touch the tree or sit under it. With each contemplation, beautiful memories come back and despite this, the feeling of loss is allowed. In fact, such a tree of life helps in coping with grief and in mourning work.

Death is not negotiable, but dealing with one's own grief and the long-term experience of mourning can be changed in a positive direction. For many, this actually brings a process to a conclusion. Letting go was made possible and a real, new phase of life began when they learned to deal with their grief in a new way. Gaby, who planted a tree for her son Bruno, said during the planting: "

"Suicide is unfortunately still a taboo subject. "So are depressions, psychoses, and anxiety disorders. That's why this tree also invites us to reflect: What is happening in our society? Why are there so many people suffering from illnesses like burn-out, psychoses, neuroses, depressions? The psychiatric wards are full of them. What is happening in our time - is it Zeitgeist? Are we modern middle ages - modern slaves?

Did you know that worldwide more than 1 Million people die by suicide every year - in Germany more than 10,000 every year. This must not be and cannot go on like this. We have to talk about it. We have to help. Those who are affected and those around too, must deal with it openly in order to be able to help. Every suicide is pointless and traumatises the relatives to an unbearable degree - for the rest of their lives.

The experiences described have all been made by people, without exception, who have planted a tree of memory  together with me. I hope very much that I also can say this one day, when i have planted a tree of memory

for Jose and my mourning comes to a dignified conclusion.


Does a tree of memory cost money?

Unfortunately yes, because the tree has to be bought (you are welcome to buy it yourself), fees may have to be paid for the communities if the tree is to be planted on public land in a parc. And the most important thing: Only with these funds and donations the non-profit association TREES of MEMORY can help surviving dependents, we can offer our contact points for relatives, we can advance our goal of suicide prevention, we can run this website, we can do public relations work and much more.

Translated with (free version)

Unfortunately yes, because the tree has to be bought (you are welcome to buy it yourself), fees may have to be paid for the communities if the tree is to be planted on public land in a parc. And the most important thing: Only with these funds and donations the non-profit association TREES of MEMORY can help surviving dependents, we can offer our contact points for relatives, we can advance our goal of suicide prevention, we can run this website, we can do public relations work and much more.

You can find all further information in the following document. Please read it carefully before sending questions by email, because I have collected all the information that is important. You will find the amount we need for a TREE of MEMORY in this document. On my hike around the world, it is difficult for me to write long explanations on a regular basis about why we need donations in order to exist and do our charitable work. I hope for your understanding and will of course answer individual, still open questions at any time.

The informations about the order of a TREE of MEMORY in this PDF is still in German, but we work on it.






You can send a order of a TREE of MEMORY directly to me by email. Mrs. Iris Pfister, from the board of the
association, will contact you and clarify everything else with you.
Thank you very much!

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